Search Results - gnss

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Privacy-preserving range-free positioning of wireless devices
INV-23036 Background Collaborative positioning can be a useful approach in situations where a person needs to exchange information with nearby users. This can be particularly helpful when using a GNSS receiver in an urban area with limited satellite visibility or when indoors without the necessary technology to determine their location. Collaborative...
Published: 1/27/2025   |   Updated: 3/21/2024   |   Inventor(s): Guillermo Hernandez, Gerald LaMountain, Pau Closas
Keywords(s): Crowdsourcing, cryptographic engineering, fusion, GNSS, Navigation, positioning systems, Privacy
Category(s): Technology Classifications > 3. Computer Science, Technology Classifications > 3. Computer Science > Cyber Security, Technology Classifications > 3. Computer Science > IoT, Technology Classifications > 3. Computer Science > Network communications
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