Search Results - hirohito+yamazaki

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photochemical etching of silicon nitride surfaces and freestanding membranes
INV-18084 Background Silicon nitride is a widely used material as a component in solid-state devices for many applications such as biotechnology, electronics, photonics, and other areas. Processing silicon nitride films in order to provide defined topographical features is a major part of the silicon industry, and it has been a routine practice...
Published: 1/27/2025   |   Updated: 3/21/2024   |   Inventor(s): Meni Wanunu, Hirohito Yamazaki
Category(s): -Materials, Technology Classifications > 2. Physical Science > Electronics/Semiconductors
Contactless Optothermal Heating of Silicon Nitride for Instant Temperature Control of Individual Particles, Molecules, and Molecular Complexes near Surfaces
INV-17039 Background A nanopore is a nanoscale hole through a solid-state impermeable membrane that separates two electrolyte buffer reservoirs. The nanopore is filled with the same electrolyte buffer, which makes a liquid junction between the two reservoirs. The temperature at the nanopore is measured by tracking the ion current through the pore,...
Published: 1/27/2025   |   Updated: 3/21/2024   |   Inventor(s): Meni Wanunu, Hirohito Yamazaki
Category(s): -Microbiology
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