Search Results - nian-xiang+sun

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Multifunctional Materials derived from Wood and Nanocellulose through Mineralization
INV-21010 Background Today’s booming telecom technology and digital systems bring convenience to human life at the cost of a large amount of electromagnetic interference (EMI) and irradiation. This not only affects information security, but it is also emerging as the source of harmful electromagnetic radiation pollution. To address these electromagnetic...
Published: 1/27/2025   |   Updated: 3/21/2024   |   Inventor(s): Hongli Zhu, Nian-Xiang Sun
Category(s): -Materials, -Nanotechnology, Chemistry
Method for noninvasive focalized deep brain stimulation
INV-21009 Background The clinical use of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is among the most prominent achievements in the field of neuroscience in the past two decades. The use of TMS to intervene with malfunctioning brain circuits has revolutionized the way neural disorders are treated and understood. TMS, as an FDA-approved technique, has...
Published: 1/27/2025   |   Updated: 3/21/2024   |   Inventor(s): Nian-Xiang Sun, Mohsen Zaeimbashi
Keywords(s): Brain modulation, Deep brain stimulation, High resolution deep brain stimulation, Noninvasive deep brain stimulation, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
Category(s): -Devices, -Magnetics
Topological Insulator/Normal Metal Bilayers as Spin Hall Materials for Energy Efficient Spin Orbit Torque Devices
INV-20119 Background The concept of using the spin degree of freedom to control electrical current to expand the capabilities of electronic devices has been in use for decades and generates high frequency voltage signals in the GHz range. 3D topological insulators (TIs) possess enhanced spin current to charge current conversion efficiencies which...
Published: 1/27/2025   |   Updated: 3/21/2024   |   Inventor(s): Nian-Xiang Sun, Nirjhar Bhattacharjee
Keywords(s): Ferromagnet, Magnetics, Spintronics, Thin film, Topological Insulator
Category(s): -Devices, Technology Classifications > 2. Physical Science > Electronics/Semiconductors
CMOS Compatible Sputter Deposited Topological Insulator BixTe(1-x) / Ferromagnet Thin Film Heterostructures for Spintronics Applications
INV-20061 Background Topological Insulators (TI) have been reported to provide high efficiency of spin-orbit torque to adjacent magnetic layers to cause switching in magnetic states. This is highly applicable for exciting magnetization oscillations and switching in the magnetic layer in nonvolatile memory devices such as Magnetic Random Access...
Published: 1/27/2025   |   Updated: 3/21/2024   |   Inventor(s): Nian-Xiang Sun, Nirjhar Bhattacharjee
Keywords(s): Ferromagnet, Magnetics, Spintronics, Thin film, Topological Insulator
Category(s): Technology Classifications > 2. Physical Science > Electronics/Semiconductors, Technology Classifications > 2. Physical Science > Manufacturing, Technology Classifications > 2. Physical Science > Advanced materials/Nanomaterials
Power Efficient and Ultra-Compact Magnetoelectric VLF Communication System with Direct Modulation of Magnetoelectric Antennas (GSC Missing)
INV-17015 Background Mechanically displacing the magnetic charges or hard magnet generates varying electromagnetic (EM) fields, that can provide a means for transmitting very low frequency (VLF) electromagnetic waves. However, this method has many challenges to overcome because of extremely low radiation efficiency associated with the energy losses...
Published: 1/27/2025   |   Updated: 3/21/2024   |   Inventor(s): Nian-Xiang Sun, Menghui Li
Category(s): -Communications, -Magnetics
Ultra-Compact RF Magnetoelectric Antennas Based on Acoustic Resonance in NEMS Resonators
INV-16087 Background Antennas that interconvert between electric power and electromagnetic wave radiation, act as the omnipresent critical component in communication systems including radars, satellites, smartphones, and wireless devices, etc. However, the key challenge of antenna lies in its miniaturization. State of the art compact antennas relies...
Published: 1/27/2025   |   Updated: 3/21/2024   |   Inventor(s): Nian-Xiang Sun, Hwaider Lin, Tianxiang Nan
Category(s): -Communications, -Networks
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