Search Results - carla+fabiana+chiasserini

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OffloaDNN: Shaping DNNs for Scalable Offloading of Computer Vision Tasks at the Edge
OffloaDNN enhances mobile CV task execution by optimizing DNN layers, reducing memory use by 82.5%, and increasing task handling by 26.9% Copy Image URL via instructions below Background: The computational demands of deep neural networks (DNNs) for computer vision (CV)...
Published: 1/27/2025   |   Updated: 7/14/2024   |   Inventor(s): Francesco Restuccia, Tanzil Hassan, Carla Fabiana Chiasserini, Corrado Puligheddu, Nancy Varshney
Keywords(s): Computational Offloading, Edge devices, Resource allocation
Category(s): Technology Classifications > 3. Computer Science, Technology Classifications > WIoT
SEM-O-RAN: Semantic NextG O-RAN Slicing for Data-Driven Edge-Assisted Mobile Applications
SEM-O-RAN uses O-RAN architecture and semantic compression to offload ML tasks to the edge, optimizing network resources and reducing latency. Copy Image URL via instructions below Background The exponential growth in the number of connected devices and the increasingly...
Published: 1/27/2025   |   Updated: 7/14/2024   |   Inventor(s): Corrado Puligheddu, Francesco Restuccia, Carla Fabiana Chiasserini
Keywords(s): 5G and beyond, 5G Networks, 6G, Deep learning, Machine Learning, Mobile devices, O-RAN, Semantics, Software-defined Networks
Category(s): Technology Classifications > 3. Computer Science, Technology Classifications > WIoT
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