Search Results - mobile+devices

3 Results Sort By:
SEM-O-RAN: Semantic NextG O-RAN Slicing for Data-Driven Edge-Assisted Mobile Applications
SEM-O-RAN uses O-RAN architecture and semantic compression to offload ML tasks to the edge, optimizing network resources and reducing latency. Copy Image URL via instructions below Background The exponential growth in the number of connected devices and the increasingly...
Published: 1/27/2025   |   Updated: 7/14/2024   |   Inventor(s): Corrado Puligheddu, Francesco Restuccia, Carla Fabiana Chiasserini
Keywords(s): 5G and beyond, 5G Networks, 6G, Deep learning, Machine Learning, Mobile devices, O-RAN, Semantics, Software-defined Networks
Category(s): Technology Classifications > 3. Computer Science, Technology Classifications > WIoT
DeepBeam: Coordination-Free mmWave Beam Management With Deep Waveform Learning
DeepBeam uses deep neural networks for passive, efficient 5G beam alignment, reducing latency and overhead. Copy Image URL via instructions below Background: The surge in mobile data traffic necessitates a new generation of wireless systems, leading to the development...
Published: 1/27/2025   |   Updated: 3/21/2024   |   Inventor(s): Michele Polese, Francesco Restuccia, Tommaso Melodia
Keywords(s): 5G Networks, 5g NR, Artificial intelligence, Beam, Beam Management, Communications, Deep learning, Machine Learning, Millimeter Wave Spectrum, Mobile devices, Next-generation Mobile Networks, Phased-Array
Category(s): -Networks, Technology Classifications > 3. Computer Science, Technology Classifications > WIoT
FInD (Foraging Interactive D-prime) - A rapid and general method for efficient and sensitive visual function assessment
21015 Background Vision screening in both clinical and basic science is a critical step that quantifies functional deficits in the visual system. In clinical practice, vision screening is essential for disease diagnosis and monitoring; in basic science, it can quantify sensory or perceptual performance or ensure that research participants meet specific...
Published: 1/27/2025   |   Updated: 3/21/2024   |   Inventor(s): Peter Bex, Jan Skerswetat
Keywords(s): Adaptive, autism, Detection, Devices, Display, Drug Discovery & Development, Health, Medical, Medical Device, Medical/Health, Mobile devices, Monitoring, Neurological Disease, personalized medicine, Real-Time Implementation, Rehabilitation, Research Tool, Science/Research, Screening Tool, Software and Algorithms
Category(s): -Devices, -Diagnostic Software, Diagnostics
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